Unfolding DALI-2

Event registration is closed.

Unfolding DALI-2

Join us for: 

Installation ceremony of the new ISLE -PLC Committee 

& BAG Factory Visit

Along with DALI 2 workshop 

Workshop seats are limited. Entry strictly by prior registration only. 

Friday, 24 Jan.,2020
0900 - 0930         Registration 
0930 - 0932     Welcome Address : Dr. Praksh Barjatia, GB Member-ISLE
0932 - 0934     Welcome & Felicitation of Chief Guest - 
                                Mr.B.S.Praveen, CEO & MD, BAG India Ltd.
0934 - 0940     Oath by Elected Committee & Office Bearers Mr.B.S.Praveen
0940 - 0945         Address by Chairman, Mr.Prafulla Wadaskar, Chairman
0945 - 0950          Address by Chief Guest, Mr.B.S.Praveen
0950 - 0952     Invite, Introduction & Felicitation of Speaker - 
                                Mr. Kaushik Shendye, by- Mr. Sudhir Patil, Hon. Secretary
0952 - 1030          Presentation – DALI 02. Mr.Kaushik Shendye
1030 - 1040          Question – Answer
1040 - 1045         Vote of Thanks. Pro.(Dr.) Saket Yeolekar, Hon.Treasurer
1045 - 1100         Interactive Tea, Courtesy : BAG India Ltd., Pune
1100 - 1130         Visit – BAG India Plant 
Date & Time

January 24, 2020

9:30 AM 11:30 AM Asia/Kolkata

BAG electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Survey No. 19, Kondhwa Road, Yewlewadi,
Pune 411048
Maharashtra MH
--BAG electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.--
+91 20 67 551 702
Get the direction

Indian Society of Lighting Engineers

011 40040888, +91 9266826763

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