LIVE Summit & Expo

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    Recent years have witnessed unprecedented changes in the way people work. Today, the need to create a remarkable client experience and employee satisfaction has led to the intensification of work and the need to cope with continually changing work requirements and a faster pace of work. In this context, the challenge for employers and researchers is to design sustainable work environments that can best meet the needs of 21st century workers and ensure maximum levels of well-being and performance. People spend a lot of their time inside a building, where the physical environments influence their well-being and directly influence their work performance and productivity. Key factors like temperature, air quality, lighting, noise conditions and ergonomics in the office affects the work concentration and productivity. For sustainable future, green buildings provide some of the most effective means to achieving a range of global goals, such as addressing climate change, creating sustainable and thriving communities, and driving economic growth. There is a growing evidence that green buildings not only conserve resources but will also enhance the quality of life of the occupants. Given this background, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Southern Region is organising its maiden edition of “LIVE 2021” - An exclusive conference & exposition on Lighting, Insulation, Ventilation & Ergonomics scheduled from 1 -7September 2021 through CII Hive Virtual Platform. LIVE will focus on the latest trends, innovations, R&D, sustainable initiatives and technologies would provide a platform to various stakeholders to learn the best practices and deliberate on the growth in the sector by fostering new business opportunities and technology adoption.

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Booth Package:

Standard Booth

CII Member 1,500

Non-Member 16,000

Overseas US$ 250

Premium Booth

CII Member 1,500

Non-Member 16,000

Overseas US$ 250

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Our Sponsors

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Confederation of Indian Industry


+91 9940234408

Date & Time

September 1, 2021

Start - 12:00 AM Wednesday

September 7, 2021

End - 12:00 AM Asia/Kolkata

Indian Society of Lighting Engineers

011 40040888, +91 9266826763

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